Stunning review showcase – The Complete Guide

Case Studies
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Stunning review showcase - The Complete Guide

Some store owners think that collecting reviews is all they need to build strong social proof. Think again. In a marketplace where other e-commerce stores also have reviews, you have to stand out against them with stunning social proof that wins customers at first sight.

The New Ali Reviews covers them all from interactive review widgets to diverse styles to showcase your best reviews and engage more customers.

I. Introducing user-friendly drag and drop builder

Zero coding skills? Perfect. We made the most user-friendly and effortless builder which is just almost similar to Shopify theme editor.

This editing platform is packed full of features to help you create stunning social proof no matter what store themes and niches.

  • Customizable options let you decide the look and feel of every review widget.
  • Drag and drop widgets and display them on all pages e.g Homepage, Product page, Cart page,…
  • Live preview in the stage of designing

With barely any time required, your ideal review widget can be up and running swiftly. Regardless of which page you go with, the outcome will be a responsive, mobile-ready, and fully compatible widget.

II. Exceptionally stunning styles for review widgets

Combine photo reviews with gorgeous visuals to enhance the buyer experience from product discovery to checkout and maximize conversion rates.

1. What is a review widget?

In The New Ali Reviews, review widget is a form of displaying reviews in different layouts across all pages of your store to showcase reviews attractively.

2. Types of review widgets

In Ali Reviews, we offer 3 types of review widgets: Review Box, Review Popup, and Carousel Slider.

Review Box

This is the type of review widget you usually see inside a product page. It displays reviews of a product in redesigned Review Box. Available with 3 layouts: Grid, List, Carousel.

Grid layout
List layout
Carousel layout

Review Popup

A lot of customers tend to notice popups more than banners, especially when they are browsing your site.

You not only grab shoppers’ attention, but you simultaneously increase credibility for your store by showing that other customers have already purchased your products and left reviews. 

Besides, the reviews of other products pop at the right time can help you cross-sale dramatically.

Surface review popups when shoppers are browsing to make your store look crowded

Carousel Slider

Renovated from the traditional carousel, Ali Reviews Carousel slider owns the most fascinating styles on the market to showcase visually-appealing reviews across your store from Homepage, Collection page, Product page to Cart page, etc.

This is absolutely the game-changing widget that you must try to bring lively and dynamic mood into your store!

Carousel slider – Layout 1
Carousel slider – Layout 2
Carousel slider – Layout 3
Carousel slider – Layout 4

To master The New Ali Reviews, check out these helpful articles and start making best use of new features!

Let's make a review-wonderland impressive with Ali Reviews

You can't wait to put previews on your store? Don't miss out this app!

  • Import reviews in seconds & collect reviews through multiple sources
  • Showcase reviews beautifully with 9+ styles & layouts
  • Fully moderate & manage review contents

Get App Now

Launch your Shopify store now!

? The easiest ways to collect reviews from multiple sources

? Show right reviews for right customers with Display Conditions

? Drive high-quality traffic to site with Rich Snippet and Google Product Rating

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