Ali Orders – A Comprehensive App Every Dropshipper Needs

Case Studies
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Ali Orders - A Comprehensive App Every Dropshipper Needs

As you can see, dropshipping is extremely a simple and easy business model that many entrepreneurs choose for a startup with e-commerce business. Luckily, it becomes much easier than ever thanks to the support of many tools and apps with salient features.
Especially, a large percentage of dropshippers are using AliExpress and in a business relationship with suppliers on this biggest and profitable e-commerce. If you are a new entrepreneur looking for a start with dropshipping on AliExpress using Shopify platform, or you’ve already had your own store, but want to perform your business in the most effective and time-saving way, Ali Orders app will be such an amazing app you mustn’t ignore. 

What is Ali Orders app?

Ali Orders is an application for website exclusively associate with the Shopify platform. It offers specific functions to help dropshippers easily import many products from AliExpress to their Shopify store and automatically fulfill orders fast in just a few clicks. Besides, there are bulk of comprehensive features that will help you save a lot of time and let you focus on other factors of your business like implementing marketing and advertising strategy.

So, what exactly can Ali Orders help you run a dropshipping business effectively? Let’s go through its major features:

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Major Features of Ali Orders

1. Import products from Ali Express


Let’s imagine how convenient it is when you can sync all the information of a product from AliExpress including AliExpress link and Shopify link to your Shopify store in just a few seconds instead of hours.
Ali Orders has you covered with its standout function. Right after you add Ali Orders Extension to your browser, your time fund considerably increases since this step is automated. Ali Orders allows you to easily import up to 50,000 products on AliExpress into your Shopify store. You can choose to import products on-by-one, or import all products from a page. Just by simple clicks, your store is full of products you love to sell. How incredible!

2. Auto fulfill and update order status


When running dropshipping, order fulfillment is always on the back of your mind. You can complete this process if there are a few orders, but what happens when your store starts generating hundreds or thousands of sales per day? Could you handle all of those things to make sure the products arrive on time?

Fortunately, Ali Orders app can get your job done easily by the streamlined ordering process. After the customer placed an order, it will be fulfilled automatically and forwarded directly to your suppliers in seconds by a simple click. Their duty is to take over this order and run a shipment process. Tracking number will be automatically updated so you can follow shipment process from the moment it leaves the suppliers warehouse until it reaches its destination.

3. Manage storefront products

With Ali Orders, you can optionally edit title, description, price, tags, category, images and more of your products to make your store become more competitive to many other competitors who are selling the same products. This function is not only to make your store look more eye-catching and attractive, but also allow you to add some SEO factors that are perfect for search engine optimization which Shopify lacks.

4. Filter products with E-Packet


E-Packet shipping – The most time-saving shipment solution to all AliExpress dropshippers. The average shipping time of E-packet is 12 – 20 days. This shipment also has a lower cost than another shipment method. Moreover, most products that are eligible for E-Packet delivery are small and lightweight. When you start dropshipping, these are the types of products you would sell.
Ali Orders allows you to automatically filter products with E-Packing. You can easily optimize your dropshipping shipment method and enhance customer’s satisfaction.

5. Auto Update Inventory and price

When running dropshipping, you may fall into this situation: After the customer placed an order on your store, you go check and then realize that this product is out of stock at AliExpress. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry in this bad situation.
But thanks to Ali Orders app, Inventory and price are always updated immediately if there are any changes from suppliers on AliExpress. Ali Orders will alert you by sending a notification when items are no longer in stock, and help remove the products from public ordering as well if you require. You’ll also be notified right away if the price changes so that you can keep the your products up-to-date punctually or make an adjustment to your own price so that you always stay in profit. What a convenient and time-saving feature of Ali Orders!

6. Track sales


Now you can easily manage your Shopify store on Ali Order dashboard, especially the track sales dashboard. Depend on what display in track sales dashboard, you can build up suitable marketing and advertising strategy to enhance sales efficiency. The sales dashboard will provide you with a total earnings report and stats for items which are in top sales.

7. Build trust with AliExpress reviews


Reviews is the very first thing a customer looks at before making a final decision to buy your product. So, how about build trust for your store with AliExpress reviews in just 1 click? Bulk action in Ali Orders will help you get authentic reviews for all products or for the one that has no reviews with just some clicks. Now you can boost sales easier with free social proof.

8. Easily change supplier

With Ali Orders app, it’s very easy to switch to a new supplier that has the same product with your current product which is out of stock. Ali Orders will replace your product and its variants with a link to the new supplier while keeping your current product link. Never have to worry about losing your orders.

9. Connect AliExpress link


In case you want to integrate your Shopify store with Ali Orders but it has been integrated with other apps like Oberlo, it’s alright because Ali Order has you covered. All the product’s data on Oberlo can be synced to Ali Orders just by clicks, very quick and easy.

Ali Orders Pricing

Surprisingly! Ali Orders app is totally free with no extra cost. That means you have the strong support from all the comprehensive functions of Ali Orders without having to pay for anything. You may find out some other apps which have the same features as Ali Orders, but surely they just offer you a free trial version with limited functions for a few days. To ask for the unlimited version, you may have to pay about 80 ~ 100$ per month. Let’s check out the comparison between Ali Orders, Oberlo and Dropified for the most intuitive visualization. You’ll understand why our Ali Orders is properly the best choice.
To confirm with certainty, we repeat that you can get the Unlimited Plan of Ali Orders with free of charge. Now let’s get Ali Orders and discover how wonderful it is!
If still hesitate about Ali Orders, please contact our Fireapps support team via or read our introduction articles.

Important Note:

From June 1st, 2021 onward, we offer only ONE plan now is Premium plan with 7 days trial for all new users, Free plan is not available anymore.

More details in this article

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Joshua Cross
Joshua Cross

Being a newbie dropshipper this article helping me alot. thanks

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