Ali Orders 2.2 Released - New pricing plan with new advanced features
While keeping free, we have added a new “Premium” plan for any user who would like to unlock the new amazing features.
1. New pricing plan: for now, you will see Ali Orders has a Premium plan starting at $19.
2. Order settings improvements: new Order Settings with a lot of flexible options that can help you do the business easier and faster. Backup shipping method: more option to set up Shipping method when fulfill the orders on AliExpress.
3. Auto Fulfillment Settings: helps you adjust the fulfillment process more professional.
4. 1-click fulfill multiple orders: You can now save more time to place orders in bulk with just 1 click. The process will help you order the items on AliExpress one by one smoothly than ever.
5. Affiliate Programs: Earn extra cash for all sales you generate with minimum effort.
Fore more details, please read our blog post here