Push Product Reviews to Google Shopping Feed?
If you’re running Google Shopping Ads and you haven’t optimized them with product reviews, then you’re missing out A LOT!
Google Shopping Integration to show product reviews
With product reviews displayed on Shopping ads, your products can stand out & triggers faster-buying decisions! See amazing benefits here.

Google Product Ratings come with many benefits, but getting them is more than a battle due to Google’s strict rules. To know how to begin, follow our step by step guide here.
Google Shopping Integration is currently available for Essential and Premium plan. Go ahead and explore this new feature.
As a Premium user, you can take this feature to another level with Auto Update Reviews by keeping your product reviews up-to-date both on your Shopify store and Google Product Listing.
Bonus: Key functions remastered in this update
To ensure current features are getting better, we also come up with some improvements.
1. Publish/Unpublish reviews after importing
This is the most wanted feature requested by many Ali Reviews users. Now you can adjust import settings status to “publish” or “unpublish” after they are imported. When you unpublish, you can edit reviews to your liking and then publish them later!

2. Import reviews by date range
Easily set up a date range to get recent reviews, whether you want reviews from 30/90 days or you want to customize specific dates!

?Kindly note: If you want all your reviews translated all at once, check on “Exclude last 7 days” since AliExpress only translates reviews older than 7 days.
3. Auto remove duplicate reviews
Manually deleting duplicate reviews is annoying so we’ll help you get rid of it from now on! You’re hands-free now!
?Well it’s a blast right? Now go on and enjoy our new updates!
4. Change default Import Settings to avoid blank reviews
The new default Import Settings will uncheck the option “Reviews without content” to help you avoid importing blank reviews (reviews with no text/content). This update applies to all users.