Transcy – A must-have translation and currency converter app for your e-commerce store

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Transcy - A must-have translation and currency converter app for your e-commerce store

As globalization continues its upward climb, more and more companies are realizing the true value of effective translation for their e-commerce store. Using the right languages for their specific target markets has helped boost sales, both locally and internationally. They are able to explore the immense number of overseas consumers who seek products and services not available in their own countries.

Consumers spend 72% of their time on websites in their native languages. So by ignoring translation, you’re severely reducing the number of people who even look at your site. 72% of people are more likely to buy if your website is in their language. And 50% of consumers say that language is even more important than price. So, if you’re still thinking of ignoring translation, you’re at real risk of cutting out a lot of potential customers.

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Let’s see how important Transcy is to every e-commerce business to expand in international markets!

1. Translate your store content & manage them in a single place

Transcy allows you to translate your whole Shopify store content multilingual to reach different nations’ shoppers. Are you sure that your customers know the default English? So, every consumer understands clearly about detailed information, should you have a translation tool? 

Transcy - Translate store content
Translate & manage your store content in a single place

Transcy will help you to translate all pages: product pages, collection pages, etc,… into desired languages at the same time in just a few minutes. Furthermore, it allows you to edit provided content manually and manage to publish or unpublish them in a single place that you want to change yourself.

2. Auto translation

This is an absolutely necessary feature for your Shopify store. To save you time, whenever you add new products or content to your store, Transcy automatically detects and translates them to the most recent version. The translation tool used will be determined by the language you choose, ensuring that you are using the most accurate tool for that language. It will automatically update the content on all resource pages.

Transcy- Auto Translation
Auto-update content translation to the newest version

3. Third-party app content translation

Front-end app content translation is also an exclusive feature, Transcy will translate any content in third-party apps to target languages fast and easily, such as review widgets, notifications, pop-ups, text boxes, information bar, reviews box, product filter, etc…

You also easily enable or disable translation whenever you need it.

Transcy - Translate 3rd apps content
Transcy allows you to translate third-party apps content

Works with any front-end apps including popular apps like Free Shipping Bar, Ali Reviews, Loox, Sales Box, Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof, Quick Announcement Bar, Sales Pop ‑ Social Proof Popup…

4. Replace Image

Image is an important part of your store design. Transcy allows you to add, display, and display separate images for every translated version of your store’s content to get the interest’s customers. Select the source language of the image and the target language you want to convert it to. 

You now replace images on Product pages, Collection pages, and all pages that you preferred and synced from Shopify files.

Transcy - Replace Media
Transcy allows you to replace media to match to customer’s languages

This function works with photos or images that are visible on your store including homepage banner, product images, images with text sections, etc… It is one of the unique functions of Transcy.

5. Currency Converter

You don’t have to spend extra money on other currency converter apps while Transcy can do both language translation and currency converter. It detects and converts over 160 currencies in your store into the customer’s local currency. This creates a pleasant and easy shopping experience for your customers and encourages them to buy.

Transcy - Currency Converter
Transcy converts local currencies based on visitor’s location

Exchange rates are updated every 24 hours from a reliable source and it is highly configurable to suit the needs of your store.

6. Switchers

Transcy can auto-detect mobile or tablet devices to display responsive switchers. It adds as many languages & currencies switcher templates to the store as you need and customizes it to fit your store and makes it shine. Furthermore, Transcy can auto-detect your store default language to match with visitors’ browser language and country whenever you want.

Transcy - Switcher features
Transcy provides many beautiful templates switchers

The best part is that Transcy offers a free pricing plan for all users to try out the app. Only after that, if you’re happy and satisfied with Transcy, can you upgrade to any paid plans. Don’t be afraid to START FREE NOW; let’s take a look at it in the Shopify app store.

transcy pricing
Transcy offers FREE plans


The world is getting smaller as more people shop online, and it’s far more likely that customers from around the world are visiting your site with the intention to buy. 

Nevertheless, speaking in the language of the site visitor throughout the purchase process can help convert potential customers into loyal customers. Multilingual websites, payment gateways, product pages, and currency converters are a great start to launching your international online store and reaching foreign buyers.

Remember that Transcy is always ready to support and answer your all questions. Let’s go now!

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